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《网域使命青年使者計劃 NetMission Ambassadors Program 2015-16》
日期: 2015-10-04 至 2016-08-31
地點: 海外
費用: 免費
主辦機構 网域使命青年使者


Study, Student Association, Hostel Life, Part-time and Date, the 5 elements of U-life Are you searching for the 6th element and hoping to lead a unique U-life? 
Living in the Internet Era, have you even thought of self initiating Internet related community projects? Organizing regional and global youth engagement projects to encourage youth participate in Internet Governance Discussion? Representing Hong Kong Youth to attend International Internet Conference? 
We, NetMission Ambassadors, cordially invite you to join us! Please click the following link for more information and online application. 
截止報名日期 Application Deadline: 2015.10.01 (Thu)
聯絡人 David NG
查詢電話 2244 7987
傳真號碼 2244 7902
電郵地址 info@netmission.asia
截止日期 2015-10-01
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