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《网域使命青年使者計劃 NetMission Ambassadors Program 2016-17》
日期: 2016-10-03 至 2016-12-31
地點: 全港九新界
費用: 免費
主辦機構 网域使命青年使者


We are looking for 20 enthusiastic students in local tertiary institutes and universities (School or area of study does NOT affect the selection process)

只要你 If you are interested in…

1. 對互聯網議題有興趣 Internet related issues


Guest speakers will be invited to share their views on Internet related issues such as digital inclusion, security and online safety. Meanwhile how to leverage Information technology to achieve sustainable development goals such as no poverty, gender equality and climate action will be one of the key future discussions.


2. 有興趣直接參與國際間互聯網政策制定及討論 Directly participating in global Internet policy making process and governance discourse


將有機會代表香港青年出席2016年11月於印度舉辦的「互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構會議 (ICANN)」和 12月於墨西哥舉辦的「聯合國網絡管治論壇 (UNIGF)」

You will have the chance to represent Hong Kong youth to attend ICANN Meeting in India in Nov 2016 and United Nations Internet Governance Forum in Mexico in Dec 2016


3. 有興趣籌辦本地和地區上推動青年關注網絡議題活動 Organizing local and regional youth engagement and awareness raising events

將於2017上半年度於全港不同中學舉辦「網絡管治工作坊」,暑假期間舉辦及推廣「香港青年網絡管治論壇 (Youth IGF Hong Kong)」以及籌辦 10月於澳洲舉行的「亞太區青年網絡管治論壇 (Asia Pacific Youth IGF)」

You will have the chance to organize Internet Governance Workshop among secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Youth IGF Hong Kong in 2017 Summer as well as the Asia Pacific Youth IGF in Oct 2017 in Melbourne, Australia


In the coming year, after trainings, NetMission Ambassadors will participate in following conferences…

Photo Credit: Charminar Hyderabad by Abhinaba Basu


互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構 – 第57次會議
ICANN 57 (18th AGM)

3-9 Nov 2016
Hyderabad, India

Photo Credit: Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2013 by Robert Nyman


United Nations Internet Governance Forum

6-9 Dec 2016
Guadalajara, Mexico

Photo Credit: Melbourne City Australia by Lenny K Photography


Youth IGF

Mid Oct 2017
Melbourne, Australia
*作為主辦單位 As Organizer

截止日期 Application Deadline:2016.10.03 (Mon)
計劃網頁 Offical Website:http://www.netmission.asia/
報名網頁 Application Webpage:http://2016.netmission.asia/
網上報名表格 Application Form:http://apps.netmission.asia/application/

聯絡人 David NG
查詢電話 2244 7987
傳真號碼 2244 7902
電郵地址 info@netmission.asia
截止日期 2016-10-03
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