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青少年 及網友認識
機構名稱 : 香港國際社會服務社
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
地址 : 6/f southorn centre 130 hennessy road wanchai Hk
聯絡人: cheung yuk ching
聯絡人電話 : 2835 7576
傳真 :
電郵 : ic@isshk.org
網址 : www.isshk.org
服務類別 : 家庭服務,兒童服務,青少年服務,釋囚服務
機構簡介 : ISS International Social Service (ISS) is an international non-governmental organization without political, racial, religious or nationality bias. The ISS network of national branches, affiliated bureaus and correspondents in over 100 countries facilitate communication between social services that assist individuals and families with personal or social problems whose solution requires intercountry cooperation. ISS Hong Kong Branch (ISS-HK) ISS was established in Hong Kong as a headquarters delegation in 1958. In January 1972, ISS Hong Kong was formally admitted as a Branch by the International Council of ISS and on 9th February 1973 it became locally incorporated.
服務宗旨 : Our Vision To have children, individuals, families and migrants across countries live in dignity and harmony, and be contributing members to a just, humane and caring society. Our Mission For our Service Users 1. Assist individuals and families with problems, including those arising from voluntary or forced migration, the solutions of which require coordinated actions within Hong Kong, Mainland China, and/ or with other countries. 2. Advocate for, protect and defend the rights of the child especially those suffering from the migratory phenomena. 3. Create and maintain a network of active local and international people and organizations that are able to meet the needs of those requiring the services of ISS. 4. Be proactive and responsive to the changing needs of the service users and society. For the Society 5. Contribute to the prevention of social problems by using all our competence and experience to make recommendations, undertake appropriate study or action and advocate for social policies. For our Staff 6. Develop a dynamic, innovative and cohesive team of staff who has the vision, commitment and professional skills to give their optimum best to those in need of our services. 7. Develop effective and efficient systems, policies and structures that ensure a corporate culture that encourages participation, flexibility, consistency, mutual support, resourcefulness, productivity and service quality.
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